Quick! Get your tickets to the 5/21 Brandywine Roller Girls bout

Brandywine Roller Girls The combined Guerilla Drive-In/Brandywine Roller Girls event on Saturday night was a success. I had a great time, and people in the crowd really enjoyed seeing the sport — many folks for the first time.

I’ll post pictures and more impressions of the evening, but first I wanted to quickly get this up — tickets for the first full match on May 21st are now available to skaters and officials. As the BRG’s proud announcer, I have access to tickets, and they will sell out. If you put your name, email, and number of tickets you’d like into the Google Docs form below, I’ll make sure to set that many aside for you!

This is just a handy way for me to know how many tickets I should get from the league — you’re not making an ironclad commitment, and you won’t be paying now. Basically, this is just a “Hey John, save me some tickets” list.

See you there!

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